...the Future of Highway Safety

In the middle 1980's, Clampcrete devised, engineered and patented a precast concrete structure mounted barrier using a resin bonded anchor fastening system, designed to suit all roadway structures. In 1988 this system was subjected to a highly successful crash test conducted by the Texas Transportation Institute at Texas A&M University. The Clampcrete system was given a crash test rating of Performance Level 2 under NCHRP 230 that today equates to Test Level 4 under the newly adopted NCHRP 350 guidelines.

The Clampcrete construction system of anchored precast barrier has been in use nationwide for more than a decade, on both new construction and the retrofit of existing bridge structures and ramps. Clampcrete precast concrete barriers are engineered to give strength, load transfer continuity, durability and aesthetics that are improvements over traditional cast-in-place methods plus they have the added benefits of consistent flawless appearance coupled with the high levels of quality control that are the hallmark of a controlled factory environment.

Clampcrete Construction Systems, a division of the Concrete Systems Group is strategically located in New England at Hudson, NH. Clampcrete's unique patented crash tested barrier system is sold and marketed directly to the customer or through appointed licensed manufacturers in your state or region.